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April 2014 Newsletter

The We Solve IT newsletter comes with news, advice and solutions which are relevant to your business today. This month we’ll be talking about keeping your data safe either from prying eyes or from the elements, such as fire and flood.


To keep your data secure you need robust passwords. Here are some tips for keeping your passwords safe from malicious hands.

Security Padlock

it is important to maintain good password security. A lot of hacks are done by bots, software programs that seek to brute force their way into your company’s data. If your staff use passwords that are standard words (even spelt backwards), slang or sequential keys on a keyboard you can have your passwords exposed by these bots. Shorter passwords can also be brute forced with bots simply trying every combination, starting with two letter passwords steadily increasing in length. The longer your password is the longer it would take, a password with 8 characters with upper and lowercase letters that includes numbers would on average take 2 years to crack.

Using the same administrator passwords everywhere in your infrastructure can result in all your systems being blown wide open by intruders. If your password is obtained they will have access to everything whereas if your passwords were varied the attack would be contained to one server/network leaving the rest of your systems safe.

Password policy is important, making sure your employees understand what a good password is as well as being aware of scams and phishing attempts that could make your data vulnerable.

An example of a good password is;


What I have done is think of an expression and took the first letter from each word to make a seemingly random password. It's Seriously Important To Keep Passwords Secure 1704. This password does not use any same characters back to back as well is not a word found in a dictionary nor anything personal that can be figured out socially. If you remember to use this technique all your passwords will be more secure.

With more and more services being available more and more passwords are needed and it can be tempting to use one password to rule them all. What we advise is to have complex passwords within an Excel 2007 onwards spreadsheet with password protection. This file itself will be password protected and encrypted keeping the file safe. You can keep the file stored in the cloud where it is accessible from anywhere on any device. This will result in you needing to remember two passwords, your cloud password and your Excel password.

We have created this guide on how to keep your passwords varied using Encryption and the Cloud.

Data Loss and how to prevent it

Disasters such as fire and flood can destroy data storage on local computers and Fire Disasterservers, while office furniture and equipment can be insured and replaced, data is gone forever. To combat this we created BizLive, a Hosted Desktop solution where your data is stored in the cloud and all the applications required to access your data are opened on a Cloud Based Remote Desktop which is accessible from anywhere. What this allows you to do in the event of a disaster is be safe in the knowledge that data is safe at a remote location with the latest fire prevention equipment and flood defences. Not only is your data safe but you can work from any location on any device. With recent weather patterns it is becoming essential to enable your staff to stay safe home, whilst still being productive, this should be a consideration for every employer.

All that is needed is an internet connection and a Citrix Receiver compatible device which include Windows and Mac OSX computers, iPads, iPhones, Samsung Galaxy devices as well as many more.

Your employees will probably already own a device and connection that is capable of being used.

BizLive has the advantage of no initial capital outlay, meaning there is no need to buy servers costing thousands of pounds and BizLive scales to your needs. You can start from being a 1 man band with 1 user scaling up to being a large organisation with your own Private Hosted desktop solution modelled after BizLive and built and supported by We Solve IT.

With prices starting from £25 per month it is worth every business exploring the BizLive opportunity.

Click below to apply for a free trial!


It’s all gone Viral

Everyday viruses are getting more and more sophisticated coming into your network in more ways. You can be attacked via email; this can come from file attachments that seem innocent but contain viruses within. You can be exposed from internet surfing where viruses are baked into the webpages themselves. A recent type of virus that has been becoming more common to see if the Cryptolocker, this is a virus that encrypts your data and holds it to ransom making you pay to unlock your own data. Now even if you have an ironclad backup system you will still need to spend time recovering that data which will mean your staff being unproductive in that time and you even potentially losing out on business.Avast Logo

Because of this it is important to have a defence against these attacks and that’s where we come in. We are able to offer an amazing Anti-Virus package by Avast that can be tailored for your needs so you only pay for what you need. Centrally managed meaning you can set up all your machines from one point which allows for quick setup. You can have reports sent to management or IT staff informing them of threats that have been dealt with.

Avast is a complete package that can protect;

  • File Servers, protect your files and shared folders
  • Email Servers, scan emails for viruses before they get sent to your staff
  • Workstations, protect them with real-time protection and scheduled silent scans
  • Network, with a Firewall stopping intrusions from prying eyes

We are currently are offering 10% off of Avast products so there has never been a better time to buy.


Avast Lineup


April 2013 Newsletter

Once again, welcome to our Newsletter - which now that winter has finally slunk away is brought to you in the bright April sunshine. We've got plenty to tell you about too, including our new website - we've done a lot of work behind the scenes on this - along with free software-a-plenty and some advice on avoiding your systems being hacked.

Yay! Our New Website

Admittedly this is a bit self-indulgent, but we’re still very delighted to let our new website slip anchor and go live. And it’s a relatively big place too; over a hundred pages dedicated to business technology and how to best deploy it in your organisation. Solutions and services, news, announcements, guides, white papers; loads of information all aimed to help you build and maintain an infrastructure that really delivers great value to your organisation.

In fact, we’re so happy with the new website we have started plastering it all over the likes of LinkedIn too, so you can keep up to date with news and announcements on there as well – just click on the buttons to add us and you can then use our new services, such as the advice guides or our white paper library. All at no cost to you, so take your head out of that horse’s mouth and go take a look around.

Why You Should Stick With Microsoft Small Business Server

In our last newsletter we had some info on Microsoft Small Business Server, which a lot of you read and some of you asked for more info. So we thought we would have an ongoing SBS feature in our newsletters, starting with our opnion on its replacement, Windows Server 2012 Essentials.

Basically, if you're thinking of migrating to the new platform, don't.

That might sound like a strange piece of advice coming from a computer services company, but there is plenty of logic behind our comment. It's not due to the replacement for SBS being poor - far from it, Windows Essential is a good product. Nor is it down to it being expensive - the new platform is quite cost effective, particularly as it doesn't need Client Access Licences hich can be a hidden cost for some.

So, why are we suggesting you keep your current SBS deployment? Read our thoughts in more detail here.

Secure Your Phone For Free

Do you remember the pit of the stomach feeling when realising you can’t find your mobile phone? Your contacts, messages, diary, all stored on that little piece of glass and plastic, and it’s gone.Mobile Device Manager

Not a nice thought, is it – and we’ve all been there at some point, wondering where on earth we’ve put our phone or tablet.

Well, you can now use a brilliant new service that can locate your phone for you – and if it has been stolen you can make it utterly useless to the thief as well.

The best bit is the price – for up to 5 phones or tablets it is completely free.

Want to know more? Have a look at Mobile Device Manager on our new web… okay, you get the message now. But take a look, it really is excellent.

Monitor VMware or Hyper-V FREE

Last month we brought you details on how to get an excellent free backup tool for VMware or Hyper-V environments. You can still get it by the way, the link is here.

This month, how about a very useful monitoring and reporting tool for your virtualised platform? Veeam ONE gives you the ability to look at your virtual environment and how to improve its performance. And it’s free. We’re good to you, aren’t we?

Go and grab your free copy here

Email Phishing Scams

A couple of weeks ago we sent a message to our customers regarding the recent rise in phishing scams, but due to some more enquiries from other firms we’re sending this out to everyone.

It’s a great shame that email phishing continues to be a popular form of online fraud – but as long as people click on links then the criminals will keep sending out their messages. Annoyingly, they are getting better at their nasty little game too. So, a useful reminder for you and your colleagues to be careful of any messages from banks or the likes of PayPal etc, and if you need some copy to distribute to staff or your friends then feel free to forward on this message or use the copy on our web page here.

And Finally

Online businesses might be one of the few ways to get rich quick these days, but it doesn’t mean you’ll be happy too. Consider the man behind His girlfriend ran off with another man. Who she met on